Can solar panels cause a house fire?

The International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI) states that as long as solar panels are properly and properly installed, they do not cause fires. In the past five years, we have seen fires related to solar panels increase fivefold. It's not uncommon to see solar panels causing fires in houses and buildings. While fires on solar farms are rare, they are not impossible.

Any high-power electrical equipment, including a solar power plant, presents a fire hazard. The good news is that solar fire protection on farms has evolved rapidly along with the solar industry. Let's talk more about what happens in the worst case scenario when a fire breaks out on a solar farm. If you have a solar panel on your roof, it will most likely get hotter than usual in direct sunlight.

According to a study, it was found that the number of fires caused by solar thermal collectors in Germany over the past 15 years was only 0.01%, that is, in one out of every 100,000 installations. However, it's worth noting that if your solar PV panels catch fire, the chances that you can turn them off yourself are slim. Fire and Rescue NSW reportedly put out 30 panel fires in just three months late last year. On Christmas Day, ACT Fire & Rescue witnessed a fire in Theodore's house, where solar panels caught fire.

In addition, it is well known that solar panels have been involved in many large-scale electrical fires in recent years. The risk of active electrical current plays an important role in the safety of firefighters and in the emergency response of solar energy systems. It's also worth noting that even though you can install solar panels correctly following all current safety codes, a solar fire can occur. Only 58 fires have been recorded in the United Kingdom directly caused by photovoltaic solar panel systems in the past 58 years, an incidence rate of 0.0061 percent.

An Australian inventor has developed the PvStop product, “an aerosol solution to mitigate solar panel risks by reducing DC production to safe levels to provide peace of mind for homeowners and emergency personnel.” The risk of fire caused by solar panels is extremely low and is lower than the risk of fire caused by burning fossil fuels. An audit of the clean energy regulator conducted by the Australian National Audit Office revealed that there were potentially tens of thousands of poorly installed and even unsafe roof systems. Most homeowners insurance policies cover rooftop solar panels because the system is connected to your property and is considered part of it. In addition, installers can obtain certification from the North American Board of Certified Energy Professionals, a nationally recognized voluntary program that provides credentials to those working with photovoltaic and solar heating technologies.

Since solar panels cause only a small number of fires in the United States, it's impossible to estimate how many occur each year.